Environment Sustainability

AD Group manufactures golf club heads, shafts, carbon fiber frame and forks for bicycle and composite materials. We passed ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in 2006 to become a green manufacturing factory. Besides, we dedicate to reduce environmental impact resulted from manufacturing processes.


Sewage Treatment

To properly handle sewage from manufacturing processes, we set up wastewater pre-treatment equipment and regularly monitor and test effluent water quality. In order to avoid environmental pollution and ecological impact, we comply with Environmental Protection Act and meet the discharge criteria before discharging wastewater into the sewage treatment plant.


Air pollution prevention and control

AD Group monitors the performance of air pollution prevention equipment on a regular basis for effectively control waste gas emission in our factories. In addition, we follow the laws and complete air emission declaration in due time and pay air pollution prevention fee. The particulate pollutants, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds generated in factories are treated by air pollution prevention equipment, such as pulse and bag type dust collector and washing tape dust collector. We have our equipment running at normal basis to make sure our pollutants discharge complied with laws and regulations.


Waste Management

AD Group is deeply aware of the importance of environment sustainability, thus we committed to implement waste classification and recycling for extending life cycle of resources and reducing resources consumption. With regard to those unable recycling waste, we commission qualified clean agencies to handle.

Energy Saving

Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Management

As a member of the global village, we understand our responsibility to look after the environment and resource sustainability while pursuing continuous growth and prosperity. AD Group work together with stakeholders on ecological and environmental issues, and to reduce emission and waste, save energy by protecting our planet in action.

Chung Lin factory where manufactures our main products “golf club heads” passed ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse Gas validation in 2011 with leading position in the industry. During the verification process, we realize where carbon emission comes from and this assists us in reducing carbon emission. To decrease organizational greenhouse gas emission, we implement following:

  1. Once-through steam boiler used fuel oil previously, now it change to natural gas for reducing the emission of SOX、NOX、CO.
  2. Exploiting natural light to save lighting energy; meanwhile, enhance office air quality.

We conduct energy saving and carbon reduction meetings periodically to review the performance in the aspects of products, resource and waste. From these meetings we generate the effective management and procedure to achieve reduction tracking.


                      Regular Sampling Inspection for Discharge Water Quality             Air pollution prevention equipment