Misconduct Reporting

Violation of Business Conduct and Ethics Reporting

Integrity and honesty formed the top core value of AD Group as well as the main idea of AD Group's business principles. AD Group is committed to act in decency within ethical aspects for its business, and will not condone any form of corruption and bribes. If you find or suspect any unethical conduct or breach of AD Group's business principles by an AD Group's employee or anyone representing AD Group, please contact us. Your report will be directly forwarded to the in charge party of AD Group.

Unless otherwise provided by laws, AD group will maintain the confidentiality of your personal information and protect your identity to the fullest extent permitted by law.

AD Group may use your personal information, including the name, telephone number and email address, to facilitate investigation or to contact you. If necessary, AD Group may share your personal information with its subsidiaries.
You may not willfully make a false statement by knowing. You shall assume liability for the allegations that prove to have been made maliciously or knowingly to be false.
To promptly act to investigate and/or resolve the issues, please provide sufficient detailed information and documents. Please note that if the information or documents are insufficient, the investigation may be impeded.
You may not disclose any or part of information provided by AD Group. Unless otherwise required by law, you may not file a lawsuit using the correspondence between you and AD Group.

You understand and agree the above statement fully. 

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